Today I went for my 10 year follow up to check the tread on my knee replacements. I told my doctor that I had zero complaints, and that I am thankful every single day that I had my knees replaced. I am showing no wear which makes me very happy because I am counting on these babies lasting the remainder of my life.
This will end my contribution to this blog. If you are happening upon it for the first time in your search for information to help you make your decision, let me encourage you to strongly consider having replacements. The pain is considerable, but can be managed. Rehabbing is hard work, but the rewards are great. Living a life without constant pain is priceless.
Regrettably in ten years most of the wonderful resources have disappeared from the links on my blog, but with a little digging, alternate and more current sites can be found. Let me stress that exercises months before surgery(prehab) are invaluable to your rehab post surgery. Many of my articles were from the Arthritis Today magazine and can be found with a subscription. This magazine is a very practical source.