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Friday, November 4, 2011

Walking in Memphis, Part II

Still not loving my walking program, but here are some hints I have learned that I will share.

1.  Stretch Out Strap 

I used this strap in physical therapy, so I had been taught some specific exercises to do.  Using this strap is much better than using a yoga strap.  I bought mine from Amazon with a booklet of stretches for less than $13.  I have learned that if I will stretch before and after my walk, my muscles get less tight and hurty. (just made that up)

I have been using this strap for the past 6 weeks and the unevenness of extension of my knees is much less noticeable. I am very impressed with the progress I have made.  Worth every dollar!

2.  Walk practically out in the middle of the street.  That way you don't have those barely perceptible slopes on both sides with which to contend.  To use those almost imperceptible slopes to my advantage, I walk with my left knee on the curb side since it has less extension.  Then my right knee is a little higher which helps evens things out.

3.  Since I still have a little balance problem where I want to lean to the right, I have pulled out one of my old walking sticks.  Using the stick allows me to walk a little faster, plus not use so much effort keeping myself from tilting to the right.

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