I bought my bicycle last September. At that time the salesman told me I should bring it back in a month for an adjustment, but he and I both knew I wouldn't get that much mileage on it in a month. So, he gave me 6 months. Today I took it in for said adjustment, and WOW! The gears were adjusted, the brakes, too, a cable was stretched so it was tightened, blah, blah, blah. I just got back from my first ride, and I absolutely cannot believe the difference. The hardest part of my ride is getting to the Greenline and getting back home once I get off. I could not believe the ease with which I climbed the first incline that almost always brings me to a standstill! Once I was on the Greenline, I was pumping away like the guys with the fancy gears. Most of the inclines on the Greenline were barely noticeable today. For Memphians, the fartherest I have been before today is a little past Highland and the Chickasaw Country Club. A couple of nights ago my husband and I went to a restaurant that is off the Tillman exit. I mentioned that it was still so far from Highland, and I looked forward to getting that far some day. However, today I rode all the way to Tillman before I knew it!!
Getting home was still hard, but I was not hating every minute like I usually do. Amazing what a fine tuned instrument can do.
Lady Heroine, please keep going.
Lady heroine--I like the sound of that!