Surgery Date


Monday, October 18, 2010

What's the big deal?

If you don't know about the magazine, "Arthritis Today", it is a super magazine.  Easy to understand and very practical.  I don't like articles that give general information--I want specifics.  In fact, this magazine is the thing that began the evolution of my thinking about knee replacements.  I mean, at least right now, I know what my situation is.  Surgery could change things and maybe not for the better. But one day I'm sitting in the doctor's office, and I pick up an issue of "Arthritis Today" and on the cover is a title of an article inside titled something like "4 things you can do to improve your health".  I'm curious, and I check it out. I may not remember the exact recommendations, but it was something like

1. Quit smoking
2. Lose weight/Eat better
3. Exercise
4. Get knee replacement

 Really?  Just like that? That got me to thinking that maybe this surgery is not so big a deal.  Of course it is to the one enduring the pain and suffering, but could this be so routine a surgery that getting it would improve my health?  Another way to look at it though,  if I am honest, all of those things on that list are a big deal!  I'm not a smoker, but # 2 & 3 have been hard for me. So my hope is that once I do #4, then #2 and #3 will come easier, and I certainly will be improving my health!

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