Surgery Date


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Give me a 'K'..."

I'm beginning this post not sure that I will complete it or post it, but I'm thinking this stinkin' thinkin' might help someone else down the road.  Last week was a great week; I could really tell that my quads were getting strong and walking was so much easier.  The past 4 days have not been so great, and I'm not really sure why that it so. Maybe I am doing more than I realize.  Maybe my muscles are fatigued.  Maybe it was tromping around on the rugby field last week-end. (obviously as a spectator) Maybe it was too many repetitions on the machines. Maybe it's because I have gotten slack on my PT exercises, although I am doing some form of exercise everyday.  Consequently, I am feeling a little bummed--make that moderately bummed.  Crying would be cathartic.  Walking actually hurts some today.  It's been a long time since walking hurt. (just one knee, the slower healing one) I just get SO impatient.  I want to be totally well-- yesterday.  If I knew for sure that the ups and downs are normal, I could try to be more positive.  But I go immediately to the worst case scenario in my mind--that's just the way I am.  Drives my husband crazy.

OK, I'm going to post.  If you've had a knee replacement, I need some feedback here.  I could use a cheerleader about now!

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