Surgery Date


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Can't walk and chew gum (5 months)

I'm not quite that bad, but since my left leg is weaker, I am a bit unbalanced when I walk.  I had no idea that balance was a problem since I was still using my cane some.  Until I can handle curbs and stairs without assistance, my cane goes out in public with me.  Walking on uneven ground also presents a problem.  My dear ol' cane has probably prevented many a spill!  I have been walking on the treadmill since my graduation from PT. When I first started out on the treadmill, I just walked holding on for dear life. (at a whopping speed of 1.2 mph)  Then I gradually would let go and let my hands hover above the hand supports because I needed them frequently.  I am proud to say that I am now walking 40 seconds out of every minute with my hands to my sides. (and smoking at l.4 mph)  BUT, here's where the title of this posting comes in, I have to give it my total concentration.  If I glance up at the TV, I teeter.  I have to think--heel first, roll to ball of foot, and left arm swings with right leg, right arm swings with left leg....

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