Surgery Date


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

4 Months

Today was my 4 months visit with my orthopedic surgeon.  We were both pretty excited about my progress and my new lease on life.  He hopes these replacements will last my lifetime, but I will go in every 5 years to "check the tread."  He says that any problems I develop will cause pain, so unless I experience pain, I don't have to see him again for 5 years!  Hot dog, hallelujah!

The X-rays on top are before surgery.  Notice the insides of my knees where the bones are sitting on top of each other--"bone on bone".  The X-rays on the bottom show my replacements on the insides and the lovely gap between the bones.  Thank God for technology and good surgeons.

1 comment:

  1. My doctor was disappointed that I was still using a cane, but I told him I still need it for curbs and stairs and being around active children wherever I find them. However, I have noticed a significant increase in strength in my quads the past 2 days, so I predict it will not be long before I give up the cane.
