Surgery Date


Monday, November 22, 2010

This time next week, the deed will be done!

This time =next week i hope to be toatlly doped up and in la las land with my surgery behind me.  Then the REAL WORK begins!  I have had a cold for the past almost 4 weeks that started out pretty benign, but ended up in my larynx plus I have had a pretty bad cough.  It was improving along about week 3, then turned bad again, so I went to the doctor over the week-end and got an anatibioti shot and steroid shot and came home with an antibiotic prescription and hydrocodone cough syrup.  I said all that to say this.  You would not believe all the mistakes I am making writing this little entry.  The brain does not work well with hydrocoodone.  I could be on pain killers for as long as 6 weeks after my surgery.  so if my blog does not make sense,  if it's fuull of misspellings and bad grammar, chalk it up to the influence of drugs.  I've made some corrections, but I think I will leave the others just to give you an idea of how I function on narcotics!

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