Surgery Date


Saturday, November 27, 2010

A great blog to peruse--definitely worth your time   

Knee-plus-eight-months anniversary: progress continues after my total knee replacement 

 I found this blog late in my research.  Otherwise, I probably would have never started my own.  I have not read all of this blog, but what I have read has been really good and helpful.  I would love to copy and paste this guy's blog entry to mine, giving him credit of course, but I don't know if that's cool or not.   So please go to the above posting on 5/24/05.  He gives a great summary of the positives and negatives of having knee replacement, his fears that were unwarranted, and things that he wasn't told ahead of time that would have been helpful information.  I would think that that he even has some stuff that those who have already had knee replacements would like to know.  For example, one of the ladies I do water aerobics with was telling me about how her replacement knee makes "noise", and she guessed that was normal.  He's got an answer for that. 

 He  also has a link to a discussion forum related to orthopedic surgeries.  Of course, there is all the good and bad one can imagine, so read there with caution.  You will be convinced to have surgery in one posting, then reconsider immediately after with reading of the next posting!  It is not for the faint of heart.

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